Государственный герб республики Узбекистан

Center for Research of Problems in Privatization
and State Assets Management

State Assets Management Agency of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Фотография здания Госкомконкуренции


6, Amir Temur Str.

(+998 71) 259-21-06


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  • Ladies and gentlemen!

    As a result of reforms being carried out in our country, a profound socio-economic transformation was carried out, which ensured the de-monopolization of state property, transition from the command-administrative system of economic management to the system of management by economic methods, active development of commodity-money relations. The denationalization and privatization have created the basis for formation in Uzbekistan of a heterogeneous economy, for emergence of a class of owners, for establishment of market relations. During the years of independence, the country has taken serious and important steps towards creation of “new markets” - securities and real estate markets, markets of commodities, valuation, real estate, financial and other services. Conditions have been created for healthy competition ensuring the development of an economy regulated by the government, which is the engine of effective development of any economic system.

    One of the main state institutions ensuring the direct implementation of these processes is the State Assets Management Agency of the Republic of Uzbekistan, carrying out specific measures on economic reform of the country. The Agency not only practices privatization, manages the state property, forms the securities and real estate markets, implements the corporate governance, but also develops conceptual, methodological provisions and legal documents related to the above processes. A feasible help for this is provided by the Center for Research of Problems in Privatization, Development of Competition and Corporate Governance (Research Center), which is included in its structure.

    Based on the analysis of the current practice, the center identifies shortcomings and problems in the mechanisms of privatization, state property management, corporate governance, securities market. Using the positive experience of the foreign countries, it develops proposals, recommendations, draft concepts, acts of legislation, methodological provisions aimed at improvement of the system of functioning economic mechanism.

    We call all people interested in the development of the national economy to cooperate. We invite for joint work the leaders of state authorities, business companies, entrepreneurs, everyone who has ideas and reasonable proposals for improvement of market relations, for more fully using the untapped potential for the development of the country, for enhancement of material well-being of the people of Uzbekistan!

    Welcome to the Research Center

    Director of the Center

    Prof. Dr. Igor Butikov

    Last update